Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Where does all the time go?

So clearly finding time to blog has been difficult latley, With all the goings on at work (One guy getting promoted and two quiting) my schedule has been insane the last few weeks and shows little signs of getting much better. But on to better and brighter things first off the house is finally nearing completion, we have a few more boxes left to sort through in the garage and then hopefully we can get the bedroom furniture taken care of and get it moved upstairs. Sam and I have come to the conclusion that once that is done we are going to get a puppy. We dont want to bring him into the house until its fully situated, I can't wait and hopefully the little guy will force us to get off our keysters more often and help us lose some weight 8).
We also have quite a few shows coming up we are going to the Braves v. Mets game this weekend (hopefully the Mets will turn it around by then cause we look like POOP right now) and then we have Alanis Morrissette and Wicked in October and we just bought tickets for Cirque de Solei coming at the end of the year. i have a few ideas kicking around in my head of things I can do on this blog to 1. keep it more interesting and 2. give me reasons to post on it. I would like to bring back the Random Mame review as I enjoyed doing those though it will be in a much different format I think. Also I thought of doing a "cool item of the week" post about things I find on the ol' interweb that I feel deserve to be shared with my "throngs" of readers. So hopefully I can put some of these ideas to work and make this thing worth reading again....until then......Sianora


Anonymous said...

Your throngs of readers? You mean me, Sam, and James? lol Not like any more people read mine.

Chris said...

Hey, i read the blog too!

Nick said...

Im still not sure that 4 people constitutes an entire "throng" but Ill take what I can get ...LOL