Ok so as I mentioned earlier I have a few ideas kicking around in my head about things to keep this blog moving and one of them is doing more reviews (it is mentioned in the blog title after all) so I plan to do at least one reveiw a week. This will cover a broad range including books, movies, games and TV shows. They will all be based on a 10 point scale. Lets start off with a game I just rented on GameFly.
Burnout Paradise
This one really took me by surprise. Those who have read my top 10 xbox list know that I love the Burnout series. As the first true Next Gen installment I really was excited to play this one, sadly my excitment was short lived. This installment moves the game to a totally open world enviroment (think Grand Theft Auto style) while this change allows you to basically do whatever you want it makes it somewhat difficult to progress through the game. The game is truly huge with a gigantic city to play around in and 75 cars to unlock.

The modes are somewhat varied, Straight up point to point races are nice the basically point you where to go but dont lock you into a route allowing you to find your own way, this can work in your favor but if you take a wrong turn it pretty much ruins your chances fo winning. Road Rage events are pretty fun basically you drive against 5 or 6 other cars trying to crash each other. Marked Man challenges you to get to a specified point with 3 other cars all trying to take you out before you get there. Stunt Challenges task you with getting a target score by performing jumps and stunts. The biggest change comes in the Crash Mode. Now dubbed Showtime, basically you roll your car around hitting the A button to boost it along trying to land on other vehicals to boost your score. It really requires no skill and is all a matter of having enough stuff around to land on and getting lucky. This was the biggest let down for me as my fondest times playing Burnout was playing with a group of friends (James youshould remember this) passing the controller around trying to beat each others crash scores. There truly was skill involved in the old crash mode and its missing in this game. Now dont get me wrong I enjoyed Burnout Paradise I was just hoping for a lot more.

Final Rating
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