Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Roger Clemens.....

I can honestly say that I have never been a fan of Roger Clemens, might have something with him repeatedly trying to take Mike Piazza's head off when Mike was with the Mets, but Clemens has offcially ruined his reputation and probably will not make it into the Hall of Fame now. Clemens has reapetedly denied using performancing enhancing drugs despite overwhelming evidence against him. He wants us to believe him when he says Mcnamee is lying, but its hard to side with Clemens. Mcnamee says he injected Andy Pettite, Andy Pettite has admited to this, Mcnamee says Knobloch also was injected, Knoblock admits this is true. So Clemens wants us to think that Mcnamee told the truth about Pettite and Knobloch yet lied about Clemens, that makes no sense. Clemens knew he was named in the mitchell report even before it came out yet did nothing about it. Then even after it was made public he waited almost a week before coming out and saying anything. It just all seems a little fishy to me and in watching Clemens today on capital hill I lost what little respect I did have for him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its a decent Personal "Sports" journal I suppose!

Suggestion: "Its good to have a sub-header or introduction of what your blog will be about.

All I see are posts regarding Hockey! Not really into sports,sorry! Just Videogaming!

Other then that its ok!

Please visit my site!
