Random Musings of a video game enthusiast/collector, sports nut, and all around crazy guy!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
nothing to blog about...so here is some random randomness
Well life at the moment is essentially boring, Nothing much going on outside of still being sick. Though I finally went to the doctor today to get some antibiotics since obviously this is more serious than the average cold. I know Sam hates how stubborn I am about the doctor and I know that when I feel like crap and it wont go away I should go, but I really hate the doctor so its hard to convince my mind that I need to go...I always fear finding out that something is horriably wrong with me so if I dont go I cant find out that. In sports news the NHL trade line came and went and my Thrashers made a deal sending Marion Hossa and Pascal Dupois to Pittsburgh in exchange for Colby Armstrong, Erik Chritensen a young prospect and a draft pick. All in all I think it was a good deal the Thrashers are all but out of it this year, and they were looking at losing Hossa to free agency at the end of the year anyway so at least they got something in return, Though I hate that they included Dupois in the deal because he was one of my favorite thrashers (mostly because its incrediably fun to say his name). Also Baseball spring training started and though I mostly find spring training ultra boring, there were some fireworks in the Mets first game. They were playing Michigan and a kid tried to lay down a bunt against our closer Billy Wagner well this teed off Wagner and he said if the kid had laid it down the next guy up would have gotten drilled. Im with Wag's on this one the MLBers are not out there to try and win the games they are there to shake off the dust and get back to the routine, the college kids get the thrill of playing against the MLBers but these are not real games and should not be treated as such. On the video game front I picked up and old used copy of Tiger Woods 07 cause I was pining for some next gen golfing action and it was cheap, I have to say I am really liking it so far instead of instantly giving you the next Tiger Woods you have to take your golfer and train their skills in various challenges, Now at first you max out at ten percent so everything you earn after that is "unrealized potential" and doesnt affect your play in game, in order to increase your max out you have to play in the Tiger Challenge were you take on various golfers on various course's eventually leading to a match with Tiger himself, this is ingenious way of setting it up because you actually feel like you are increasing your skill just by playing more. Putting is a bit wonky and sometimes makes no sense witch I guess is realistic cause you cant always read the green perfect in real life either. I havent got into PGA tour season mode yet (Want to build my skills up first) but that is the meat and pototoes of the game. Sam and I have been watching Idol (i for the most part could care less outside of the horriable auditions) but I have found a way to make it bearable......The Mighty DVR, I swear the DVR is the greatest invention it allows you to record the show the fast forward through all the crap and watch just the parts that matter (the actually singing) and not have to listen to Seacrest and Simon bitch like the jilted lovers I think the are, I think David Archaleta and Carly Smithson are the ones to beat their performances this week were far and away the best and Archaleta went so far as to apperntly get Paula high cause she blurted out some crazy stuff after his song...something about poping his head of and hangin it from her rearview mirror?? Seriously WTF????????????

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