The Control Panel
The Marquee box and control panel box
The Sides
Bezel and front door
So luckily it broke down pretty easy, I did discover that the monitor may in fact still work I havn't plugged it into something to test it but when I removed it there was a power button hidden by the monitor bezel and I plugged in the power cord and pushed the button just see if anything would happen and wouldn't you know the power light started blinking as a monitor does when it doesn't detect an input so that may be a bonus though I dont know if I want to use it or put something bigger in the cab and redo the bezel, but nice to know I have an easy fall back if I decide to go that route. So the next project is locking down the theme i want and then removing the decals that are plasterd on every piece of this thing, I got a tip to try heating them with a hair dryer to loosen the adheisive and I have a bottle of Goo Gone at the ready so that will be the next days project.
I found some templates of an actaul Street Fighter II button layout (Thanks BYOAC) so I printed out a couple to test out on the control panel, as you can see from the pic. the two layouts take up almost the whole width of the panel so I think I may extend the width a little bit wich shouldn't be too hard the other option would be to mount the trackball slightly higher up on the panel but I am not sure how comfy that will be for actual playing will have to do some mock ups and see
Also in looking closer at the PCB board it appears all the inputs are held on by some sort of aheiseve so when I do the vinyl i will also try to heat this up as well and see what happens, hopefully its not to tough to remove as I would like to keep the PCB intact
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