Monday, October 13, 2008

Review of the Week

This weeks review is another of my Gamefly rentals....The Simpsons Game

Now the Simpson's have had a very troubled video game past, the old NES games were decent and the arcade game was amazing(nothing beats 4 player co-op) but it was pretty much downhill after that (are there two bigger abominations than Simpsons Skateboarding and Wrestling?) but the have had a nice uptrend recently with both Road Rage (Crazy Taxi simpson's style) and Hit and Run (GTA style open world romp) being worthy of a playthru. The Simpson's first journey on the latest batch of systems may well be their best yet. The Simpson's game is sort of a half open world, half linear story based game. Basically you can explore an open world on your way to your next mission. You get to play as all the Simpson's and each has unique abilities and powers. The game walks you through each characters abilities by going through the first few levels each with different characters, I really like this as it got you acquainted with each character and how to use them. Any fan of the show will love all the show references and video game fans will love Comic Book Guy pointing out all of the video game cliches of which there are many (its actually an achievement on the 360 version to find them all). Its funny how they make it seem like your watching an episode of the show while playing through the game and the characters actually acknowledge that they are inside a game (even using the instruction manual to figure out there powers). This is a great platformer and is best played in co-op mode, many of the puzzles require two characters doing two different things and it can get tedious switching back and fourth in single player. I highly recommend this one for platformer fans or any one looking for a game to play with the significant other (as I always say...The couple who games together, Stays together)




Anonymous said...

So good......

Anonymous said...

I really liked the video game cliches, but does the fact that it points them out excuse their use? my main problem with the game was the terrible collision detection, but the humor sure does help!!