This is the sickest thing I think I have ever seen at a poker table, can you even imagine how that would feel. I have seen some horrible beats in my poker playing but nothing as sick as that
Random Musings of a video game enthusiast/collector, sports nut, and all around crazy guy!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
YouTube Video of the Moment
For those that thought Barney's Soulja Boy was the coolest thing ever....we were wrong as this video plainly states on its intro....
Whats This Another Review....
So I just finished reading a book and since I can't sleep I thought I would go ahead and throw up another review
This is the book that coincides with the animated movie that debuted in theaters not to long ago, I have not yet seen the movie but found the book immensely enjoyable. The book starts off with the kidnapping of Jabba the Hutt's son. Jabba is so distraught that he enlists the help of both the Republic (in the form of the Jedi Council) and the Sepratist's (mainly Count Dooku). So the book follows Anakin Skywalker and Obi-One Kenobi as they are the Jedi chosen for the mission of finding and returning Jabba's son. The book does a great job of giving us a glimpse inside of Anakin's head, it really sets the stage for the things that will eventually lead to Anakins falling to the darkside. As the book progress's you really get a feel for how much Anakin struggles with the situation that he has been placed in. Here he is barley a man himself and he is being told basically that he is the one who will save the galaxy, and early in the book he has a young Padawan thrust onto him. He was really interesting to see how the relationship progressed between the two of them. Now Anakin was once a slave to the Hutts, so he does not relish this mission one bit, especially when he see's most of his Clone Troopers lost to save one little Hutt, but as a Jedi he is bound to his mission and thus struggles with this balance throughout the book. There are some great moments in the book that you can really visualize while reading it (the mark of a great book in my opinion) My favorite was the battle between Anakin and Dooku's personal assassin Asajj Ventress. Ventress is a great character, her story is that while her planet was engaged in a bloody battle, a Jedi named Ky Nerac crashes on her planet and takes her under his wing, He is later killed and Ventress blames the Jedi for his death claiming the simply abadoned him, she later falls under Dooku's tutelage and is assigned to kill Anakin. The battle between the two takes place on a small landing platform and the book does a great job of narrating the battle. Overall I really enjoyed this book and was amazed at how quick of a read it was.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Review of the Week
Ok so as I mentioned earlier I have a few ideas kicking around in my head about things to keep this blog moving and one of them is doing more reviews (it is mentioned in the blog title after all) so I plan to do at least one reveiw a week. This will cover a broad range including books, movies, games and TV shows. They will all be based on a 10 point scale. Lets start off with a game I just rented on GameFly.
The modes are somewhat varied, Straight up point to point races are nice the basically point you where to go but dont lock you into a route allowing you to find your own way, this can work in your favor but if you take a wrong turn it pretty much ruins your chances fo winning. Road Rage events are pretty fun basically you drive against 5 or 6 other cars trying to crash each other. Marked Man challenges you to get to a specified point with 3 other cars all trying to take you out before you get there. Stunt Challenges task you with getting a target score by performing jumps and stunts. The biggest change comes in the Crash Mode. Now dubbed Showtime, basically you roll your car around hitting the A button to boost it along trying to land on other vehicals to boost your score. It really requires no skill and is all a matter of having enough stuff around to land on and getting lucky. This was the biggest let down for me as my fondest times playing Burnout was playing with a group of friends (James youshould remember this) passing the controller around trying to beat each others crash scores. There truly was skill involved in the old crash mode and its missing in this game. Now dont get me wrong I enjoyed Burnout Paradise I was just hoping for a lot more.
This one really took me by surprise. Those who have read my top 10 xbox list know that I love the Burnout series. As the first true Next Gen installment I really was excited to play this one, sadly my excitment was short lived. This installment moves the game to a totally open world enviroment (think Grand Theft Auto style) while this change allows you to basically do whatever you want it makes it somewhat difficult to progress through the game. The game is truly huge with a gigantic city to play around in and 75 cars to unlock.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Where does all the time go?
So clearly finding time to blog has been difficult latley, With all the goings on at work (One guy getting promoted and two quiting) my schedule has been insane the last few weeks and shows little signs of getting much better. But on to better and brighter things first off the house is finally nearing completion, we have a few more boxes left to sort through in the garage and then hopefully we can get the bedroom furniture taken care of and get it moved upstairs. Sam and I have come to the conclusion that once that is done we are going to get a puppy. We dont want to bring him into the house until its fully situated, I can't wait and hopefully the little guy will force us to get off our keysters more often and help us lose some weight 8).
We also have quite a few shows coming up we are going to the Braves v. Mets game this weekend (hopefully the Mets will turn it around by then cause we look like POOP right now) and then we have Alanis Morrissette and Wicked in October and we just bought tickets for Cirque de Solei coming at the end of the year. i have a few ideas kicking around in my head of things I can do on this blog to 1. keep it more interesting and 2. give me reasons to post on it. I would like to bring back the Random Mame review as I enjoyed doing those though it will be in a much different format I think. Also I thought of doing a "cool item of the week" post about things I find on the ol' interweb that I feel deserve to be shared with my "throngs" of readers. So hopefully I can put some of these ideas to work and make this thing worth reading again....until then......Sianora
We also have quite a few shows coming up we are going to the Braves v. Mets game this weekend (hopefully the Mets will turn it around by then cause we look like POOP right now) and then we have Alanis Morrissette and Wicked in October and we just bought tickets for Cirque de Solei coming at the end of the year. i have a few ideas kicking around in my head of things I can do on this blog to 1. keep it more interesting and 2. give me reasons to post on it. I would like to bring back the Random Mame review as I enjoyed doing those though it will be in a much different format I think. Also I thought of doing a "cool item of the week" post about things I find on the ol' interweb that I feel deserve to be shared with my "throngs" of readers. So hopefully I can put some of these ideas to work and make this thing worth reading again....until then......Sianora
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