Ninja Clowns is a side-scrolling action beat-em-up in the vain of Double Dragon or Final Fight, The controls are simple and the game doesnt offer much innovation outside of the humorous thought of a ninja fighting clown
To view some footage of the game in action click here

The story....or lack there of....really doesnt offer much either it boils down to the opening screen and then once you play through the game the closing screen, it boils down to an evil clown named Twisto turning all the citizens of the city into zombie clones...not sure why they are zombie clones and not just straight up zombies but I guess when the game revolves around a ninja fighting clown it doesnt really matter. The enemies are basic and full of cliche's but you dont really expect much in a side scroll punch fest like this one, The boss battles are typicall as well...figure out the pattern, attack, retreat and repeat, the game does ramp up the difficulty as you progress through each level although it never gets to challenging. There were some wierd lab levels inbetween some of the levels that I really didnt understand the point of but outside of that the game is very very typical other than the whole clown thing.

Overall the game was intersting if for no other reason than the insane concept. Not quite a challenge to the side scroller of the century title, but an enjoyable few minutes non the less.
Final Rating

3 pies in the face out of 5
Quarters Used: 14
Play Time: 25 Mins.
Game Completed: YES
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