Sunday, January 30, 2011

an attempt....

So I realize that lately this blog has devolved into nothing more than a re posting of my YouTube videos, I am now going to attempt to change that and get back into writing actual posts, I don't know how regular I will be able to keep it but I am going to shoot for something at least every couple of days.

So as we approach the end of this first month of the year I realize what an exciting year lies ahead for me, Theres alot going on in my life and it looks to get alot more interesting in the near future (more on that later). Work is still work but I dont find myself dreading it as much as I was a short time ago, it was getting really frustrating but it seems to have leveled off a bit and I am thankful for that, now if only I could get promoted I am going to just keep working on the things I know I need to work on and hopefully good things will come my way.

Now as for the more interesting stuff, Sam and I are going to try to start our family, yep its time...LOL. Its funny because when people find out the usual first question is "do you want a boy or girl?" and I will honestly be happy either way, Im just excited to be a Dad to more than just the puppy....LOL, I guess that will do it for now stay tuned......

something fun I thought I would add to the end of each post is a currently listening, playing, and watching just to give some insight on me LOL, so here goes....

listening: Eminem -- Cinderella Man
Playing: Red Dead Redemption and Fallout: New Vegas (someday ill finish both of these)
Watching: American Idol Season 10 (its worth it just to hear what might come out of Steven Tyler's mouth)

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