So I have been getting back into online poker again latley so I thought I would do a few online diaries of my sessions, I have been playing micro limit for real money its nice because people take it more seriously than the play money tables but you dont feel like your life is at stake with every hand I started playing .01/.02 ring games and trying to make a few dollars and have been doing well on those making a dollar here and there the last two nights I moved up to the .02/.05 tables and have still been running pretty well Last night I was impressed with myself and how I kept my composure after getting up about 3 dollars (I sat at the table with $10) I got involved in a really big hand I had KK and the board was 6 5 8, I had raised preflop about 4 times the big blind and he had called, I bet out 20 (4 times the BB) and he called quickly, turn came K, i bet out 40 this time and he raises to 1.20 I call thinking maybe he has like A K, river comes A, I think I have him so I bet 3.00 he raises all in wich was about another 3.00 I call and he turns over 4 7 to beat me with the straight I was pissed but I kept it together and managed to fight my way back to about 11.00 dollars before I stoped for the night wich i felt good about,
Tonight I decided to play the .02/.05 table again and try to make 5 dollars wich I would then take to a 5 dollar double or nothing table (a quick 10 person tourny where 5 people double and 5 get nothing) the first table I sat at was fairly uneventful though I made about 2 dollars before the table broke down so I moved to another one, 1 really big hand here where I won about 7 dollars I was dealt 5 6 suited clubs in the big blind, guy next to me raises to .15 folds around I go ahead and call flop comes Kspade 4club 8club, So I semi bluff with my straight flush draw with a .50 bet he raises to a dollar I call turn comes 7club, I know i have the nuts so I bet 1.00 he raises another dollar (im thinking maybe he has Kings to make a set or something that hit a flush, he has about 3 more dollars) so I put him all in he calls and turns over KK I doubt he expected me to turn over the straight flush, so with my 5 dollars I took to a Double or nothing wich im playing right now, Pretty uneventful so far I havn't been able to get any cards thus far and was down to about 600 chips (we start with 1500) Just had a big hand though, I was dealt A 3 off suit and called 150 (big blind was 50) Hit the A on the flop and decided to make a play and went all in with 2 others still in the hand first guy folded, second guy took awhile to decide and finally called and turned over KK My hand held up and I won about 1700 chips so now ihave life again, only 1 player out so far so this one might last awhile Ill post any other big hands as the happen....Everyone seems to be playing really tight in this one no really big hands have developed I am actually in second place with about 2300 chips...finally lost another one I still am suffering from card drought getting nothing I can even play with but a guy went all in with A 10 and was called by A Q wich held up, cards are killing me tonight I got down to 400 chips but survived my all in now im hovering around 1000 chips and trying to last through 2 more eliminations...went all in with Qspade Jdiamond for about 900 guy called and turned over 8 8 flop came with 3 spades and I hit the 4th spade on the river to survive and actually give myself a decent stack...promptley lost a chunk of that stack on the next hand I had QQ and guy went all in for his last 500 and turned over A Q flop came K J 9, turn was 4, and of course the river 10 to give him the better blow really hurt got 44 in the big blind no one raised flop came A 2 4, i bet 200 with about 1000 chips left, guy raised me all in I called and he turned over A 2, but of course the turn hits the A to give him a full house and put me out in 7th place, oh well nothing you can about those still a decent night of poker and I feel good with how I played for the most part hopefully next time I can actually win the double down....LOL